Rabu, 16 Juni 2004

Trade Names? You Lot Must Locomote Joking

New Scientist's Feedback column for 1 June lists around deliciously (in)appropriate trouble concern names, or "antinyms" equally they accept considered dubbing them. They include the Impact driving school, 2 airlines (Penguin and Emu) named afterward flightless birds, a safety fellowship named Lowe Security together with the Nessun Dorma (the Italian for "no-one sleeps") invitee house.

suspects that Earth finds these names non but memorable but sweetly enduring. Choice of antinyms such equally these is equally good less probable to depict a trouble concern into refer conflicts amongst its competitors than the endlessly allusive/descriptive names that many industries appear to favour these days (despite the frequently-experienced difficulty inward registering them equally merchandise marks).

Funny (and not-so-funny) names for people together with businesses here, here and here

Funny names for molecules and places

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