Kamis, 21 April 2005

Ip For Engineers - Forthcoming Conference

Professor Ruth Soetendorp of the University of Bournemouth’s CIPPM has informed the IPKat of a forthcoming event. The WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education volition hold upwards taking house inward Hellenic Republic on eight to 10 July. Amongst the sessions on offering are 1 led Professor Soetendorp on “Intellectual belongings educational activity for entrepreneurial engineers – developing pedagogic strategies for including KEY simply non CORE elements inward the engineering syllabus”.

Vouliagmeni – place of the WSEAS Conference

The session is on how to larn universities to opened upwards up the engineering syllabus to intellectual belongings in addition to other non-core topics. It is work of the operate existence undertaken yesteryear a small-scale interdisciplinary interrogation projection grouping consisting of Professor Soetendorp in addition to Bill Childs (an IP lawyer from University of Technology Sydney) amongst Prof Jim Roach in addition to Dr Rob McLaughlan (of the School of Design Engineering & Computing, Bournemouth in addition to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology Sydney).

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