In the bad onetime days, if yous wanted international merchandise grade protection yous had to file a assort merchandise grade application inward each province inward which yous wanted protection. The Madrid Agreement, the image scheme for facilitating international protection via a unmarried international application, made things slightly easier. Now the Madrid Protocol has provided a comparatively attractive in addition to easy-to-use scheme for international merchandise grade filing. Between the Agreement in addition to the Protocol it is at i time possible, through a unmarried application, to designate upward to 71 countries inward which protection is sought. The EU's Community merchandise grade (CTM), introduced inward 1996, every 2d good makes it easier to larn international protection since a unmarried application tin Pb to the grant of a unitary merchandise grade roofing thirteen jurisdictions in addition to fifteen countries (next twelvemonth 25 countries, later the novel batch of entrants gains admittance to the EU. Up to at i time it has non been possible for a Madrid Protocol applicant to designate the European Union in addition to thence secure a CTM through the Protocol route, though the European Commission has proposed to meliorate the Community Trade Mark Regulation so every 2d to become far Madrid-compatible.
This calendar week UNICE (the Union of Industrial in addition to Employers' Confederations of Europe), AIM (the European Brands Association) in addition to MARQUES (the Association of European Trade Mark Owners) convey jointly affirmed their back upward for the European Commission's proposal, which volition enable the European Union to accede to the Madrid Protocol. The 3 organisations are every 2d good pressing for amount "opt back" provisions to render that, where an international application that designates the European Union fails, the merchandise grade applicant volition last able to convert the failed application into assort national applications that relish the same priority appointment every 2d the master copy international application.
welcomes the European Commission's proposal (which has been on the agenda for years) in addition to looks forwards to the European Union joining the U.S. every 2d a fully functional player inward the Madrid Protocol.
Current listing of countries adhering to the Madrid Agreement and/or Madrid Protocol here
Madrid Protocol Implementation Act (United States) here
File your Madrid merchandise grade application here
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